Reflecting on the Convention.

Reflecting on the VAR Convention

I spent the past two and a half days at the Virginia Association of Realtors’ Convention learning (I graduate from the Leadership Academy on Friday morning) about the state of the Association.

The first and most vexing observation is about politics – everything is about politics, isn’t it?

The more I get involved, the more I am torn between continuing to get involved and withdrawing from it all together. Yet, expressing a voice for what is right will lead to more advances than will silence. So, involvement it shall be; until my disillusionment becomes overwhelming …

More to come as time allows, but it is refreshing to hear that Realtors will be advocating for some solutions rather than merely fighting everything. Hint: impact fees may be involved.

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1 Comment

  1. Todd Tarson September 21, 2006 at 09:31

    >The more I get involved, the more I am torn between continuing to get involved and withdrawing from it all together.

    It’s a critical time to be in leadership and to do the very best to make a difference. I want to quit every day (I’m serving on two boards right now), but I know that if I do no one else is going to take up the fight.

    My voice is at least being heard, even if I’m not winning each issue presented and fought for.

    Keep up the great work. It’s thankless and gratifying at the same time for some really strange reason.