Real estate news – 2.0 style

Digg-style. Realestatevoices launched today, a “Digg-style” social-networking news site that will aggregate and rank real estate news. Despite receiving the announcement email from Niki this morning, it has taken me this long to check it out. Joel Burslem’s post some time ago foreshadowed Realestatevoices’ arrival and now it’s a reality.Revoices

Upon a quick glance, it seems similar in some ways to Original Signal, primarily due to its singular focus and simplicity of design.

Separating the wheat from the chaff, rewarding good writing and breaking real estate news … what’s not to like? My one question – is there a shortcut I can add to the menu bar of Safari/Firefox to make submitting stories easier?

It’s incredible that in such a relatively short time-frame, the real estate blogosphere has grown to such a magnitude that a site such as Realestatevoices is not only needed and welcomed, but viable. The speed with which Niki’s announcement email made its way to the blogs is a testament to the rapidly-evolving news cycle.

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1 Comment

  1. Joel Burslem September 27, 2006 at 17:26

    I agree Jim. A RealEstateVoices bookmarklet would be a welcome addition!