RSS comes to the unwashed masses

Get ready!

RSS is coming to the rest of the world via Internet Explorer 7. (those of us with Firefox, Macs, have been enjoying the glories of RSS for some time now) I can’t wait for the virii that make their way to PCs via RSS.

Now, I just have to find some sucker willing participant to let me borrow their Windows box to test it out. 🙂

Seriously, this will be a landmark moment for RSS, as RSS moves from an emerging technology to one that will hopefully become seamless, invisible to most and an option for information/content delivery.

BTW, the new stable Release Candidate of Firefox has caused me to (perhaps temporarily) switch my default browser from Safari to Firefox.

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1 Comment

  1. Michael Price October 13, 2006 at 10:25

    I’m a Mac guy too. Because I need to test code and compatiability, I also have a PeeCee at my desk. I’ve been running the RC candidate of IE7 for a while now and I have to admit it does an excellent job of delivering RSS, actually better than Safari on the Mac or Firefox on either platform.