Friday roundup

Zillow gets pillowed … And’s CEO goes Springer

The Difference between good Realtors and bad agents

Buying a new construction home? Bring your own tape!

Housing Starts rebound (national) … but building permits are down (PDF)

Zillow uses their prominence to discuss eminent domain. Good for them, and thank you.

A Super Wal-Mart in Greene? But … they expect people to consistently show up for work. Who wants to work there? I kid. If they would just open a Super-Walmart in Greene and close down the one in Charlottesville …

More home loans go sour – yet some lenders continue to loosen lending standards

Ten Innovations that will reduce the amount of energy we use

You think Google’s not benefiting from Trulia’s growth?

… Pete Flint, CEO of Trulia … showing me his referer logs, and they definitely show that Google sends more traffic his way than any other search engine. … Courtesy of Robert Scoble.

Finally, listening to CNBC this morning, Joe Kernen said referencing the inability to compete with Google – “Google are going to be the government, not a company.”

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  1. jm October 20, 2006 at 19:54

    If Wal-Mart moves to Greene, I’d expect them to close the existing Rt 29 store and also open a new Wal-Mart on the south or east side of Charlottesville.

    Greene is too far for most of Cville to drive to but a placing stores on both sides of town will cover the area.

  2. TrvlnMn October 21, 2006 at 01:03

    I hate myself every time I have to shop at Wal-Mart. But I’d expect they would keep their Albemarle Co location even with a store in Greene. I imagine it would kinda be like all the Foodlion’s around the area. Lots of them but they all seem to make money. And I believe they’re already going to put a Super Wal-Mart down in the town of Louisa. So as I said, just like Foodlion.