Monday links 10-23-2006

Required reading for those with an interest in the future of the MLS and

Public transit in the CharlAlbemarle area is up. Surprise! Now … if only we can work to make it more wide-reaching, more regional and frankly, more of a viable option.

Realtors or Service Providers

This post is indicative of why Three Oceans has quickly become “required reading.” circumnavigates the rules.

There was an interesting comment at dinner last night. Another agent was talking about “For Sale by Owners” and their impact on the market. One of his clients asked him recently, in earnest – “Aren’t all properties sold by the owners”?

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  1. UVA08 October 23, 2006 at 17:14

    Jim, I think your knowledge on the Charlottesville market is needed over at .

  2. Todd Tarson October 23, 2006 at 18:04

    Don’t you know by now Jim that the Realtors make any and all final decisions regarding transactions?? Property owners have no will.

    Okay, tongue out of cheek now.

  3. Jim Duncan October 24, 2006 at 07:40

    UVA08 – Thank you for the heads-up. 200+ comments! I think it’s been covered … but, wow! Weeding through the vitriol took some time! 🙂

    Todd- sure, sure … we all know who makes the real decisions!

  4. Natasha October 24, 2006 at 13:48


    In the Progress article it says that the ridership has increased by 90% in the past 18 years, but 18 years ago there was only one bus…kind of makes sense, doesn’t it.
