Where to vote in Virginia

Find out where your polling location is. If you don’t vote, you lose your right to complain. It’s our responsibility and obligation.

Need to learn about the amendments? Go to cvillenews. Want to track the results? Go to the State Board of Elections.

By the way, if I hear one more commentator say that the rain may suppress voter turnout, I just might lose my mind. Rain might keep people from voting? If rain keeps somebody from participating in one of the foundations of our freedom and our democracy, that person should lose that right to vote.

Update: Watch this documentary, “Hacking the Vote;” I spent an hour and a half this morning and am glad I did. (Via Digg) Thanks, Diebold.

Update #2: Behind the Curtain has the best post of the day.

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1 Comment

  1. TrvlnMn November 9, 2006 at 20:07

    Re: Hacking the Vote…

    It looks like Google might have pulled that content. I can’t imagine HBO giving content away for free. Of course if you find another link for it elsewhere- feel free to share! 🙂