Links for 13 November 2006

Condo Buyers Take Developers to Court Over Failed Promises – I wonder if we’ll see any of these in the Charlottesville area.

What to do when a Builder Offers to find you a loan – Read the whole thing with an extremely critical eye.

Helping bloggers license content. Licensing is easy. Enforcing is more difficult (as in, I have no idea what to do if someone is stealing my content) More here.

UVA’s new nanotechnology center – Wisldorf Hall -  will help cement our area’s status as a leader in this area of development, and likely will encourage some people to move to our area (Hint, hint 🙂 ). Surprisingly, finding information on the burgeoning nanotech sector and Charlottesville is somewhat challenging, but there are a few results in Google Scholar.

Tips on safeguarding your online reputation.

Renewable fuels may provide 25% of US Energy by 2025. (Free link) I would argue we’ll need to have a higher percentage of sustainable energy than that.

Greg has the AVM’s number better than almost anyone else out there.

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