Status quo rules in Albemarle

What a shame. The Board of Supervisors fails to see the merit in even investigating creative measures to control growth. Why think out of the box when some politicians can’t even see beyond the box? I hope Mr. Slutzky continues to educate the people – the constituents – of the merits and potential shortcomings of what a successful Transfer of Development Right (TDR) program could look like. More thoughts after I listen to the entire podcast.

Growth is coming, folks. The population of the USA is growing, in spite of some localities’ attempts to stop it.

Update 12/07/2006: The Daily Progress has a good summary, but I would still encourage everybody to listen to the podcast.

Update 12/08/2006: Cvillenews notes the BoS’ deficiencies on this.

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  1. TrvlnMn December 6, 2006 at 17:54

    Growth is coming, folks. The population of the USA is growing, in spite of some localities’ attempts to stop it.

    My prediction- if you want to know what Virginia’s going to look like in 50 years go visit Los Angeles. Cville will just be another suburb of D.C. (if it isn’t already).

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