Looking for a house in Charlottesville

This is why I shun print media as often as possible –

Looking for a Buyer-Broker in Charlottesville, Virginia

With print, there is no way to measure who is reading your ad; it’s almost like throwing money into a vacuum and hoping for a result. An agent in my office said today that she had received three email leads this week on her new listing; nothing from the local print publication.

Somebody is looking to learn more about the real estate market in the Charlottesville area. 90% of the sponsored ads were not Realtors – they were lead-aggregation companies whose service is to put potential buyers in touch with “qualified Realtors” (those Realtors who are qualified to pay for those leads).

There is not (yet) a centralized place by which to look for open houses in Charlottesville. Here are the only two public open houses listed in the MLS (both by the same good agent). The best source for finding open houses remains the Sunday paper. An enterprising soul might find a way to aggregate the open house data and display it on their site.

Of course, those who are looking for a Realtor in Charlottesville could always contact me. 🙂

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