RealCentralVA is two years old

I almost missed it. It’s been two years since I started this blog. This is my very first post, back before I discovered the “real” blogging experience offered by WordPress.

So much has changed in the past two years that reflecting is a difficult task. I didn’t even know there were other real estate bloggers when I started, nor did I know whether anybody would read my blog. That said:

1. The number of real estate bloggers has increased tremendously.
2. The relationships I have forged with bloggers across the country are enormously valuable, as I respect what most of them have to say. I have learned an enormous amount from the real estate bloggers out there, and plan to continue to do so. By far the most important aspect of writing every day is the reading and analyzing I do every. single. day.
3. More people are reading blogs – old and young; far less often do I hear, “What’s a blog?”
4. I would like to think my writing has improved.
5. While I have gained business from my effort, that was never the intended goal of this blog.
6. Real estate is local. National trends impact the Charlottesville, Virginia market, but the most influential real estate trends happen on the local level.
7. Right or wrong, I feel a certain responsibility to write as well and as frequently as possible – both for my own and my readers’ continuity.

I wanted to link to some of my older stories, but the conversion process from iBlog to WordPress destroyed much of the formatting. If I could figure out how to install this tag cloud plugin, I’d post the most common words and categories over the past two years.

Blogging is easy, but as with anything, blogging well can be quite difficult. I and my business are better for it. And I’ll keep doing it.

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  1. Maureen McCabe January 7, 2007 at 19:05

    Happy Anniversary! Your blog was one of the first real estate blogs I read.

    I am just kicking off a new blogging experience with WordPress.

  2. Athol Kay January 8, 2007 at 03:02


    two years is forever in blogging. Well done.

  3. Betty G January 8, 2007 at 17:10

    Happy Anniversary! “Women’s Lib Cupcakes” to celebrate your blogging now available at realcrozetva. 😉

  4. Merv January 8, 2007 at 20:23

    You are among the best. I could never match your dedication and wide ranging subject matter. My very best regards,

  5. Maureen Francis January 10, 2007 at 06:49

    Congratulations on two years. In RE blog years that is practically like being 50 or something.

    I’ve had trouble with UTW. It’s installed but its functionality is beyond me.

  6. Jim Duncan January 11, 2007 at 00:18

    Thank you all so much. I truly appreciate the kind words.

  7. Doug Quance January 11, 2007 at 21:31

    Congrats Jim!

    I’m glad that Teresa put you on her Top 10 Good Men list, and I have put you on my blogroll.

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your stuff… looks like you have plenty of material to keep me busy!