Tomorrow begins an ongoing series on the neighborhoods in and around Charlottesville, Virginia…. If you want your neighborhood listed, want to write your own description about your neighborhood, or have link you want added, please contact me or note you comments below…. Dislike?Within the City of Charlottesville, here are the neighborhood association contacts…. To eventually cover every neighborhood in the area – not just those in the City of Charlottesville, but within the County of Albemarle, Fluvanna and (slightly) beyond.
Date Archives January 2007
2006 Realtor Stats
Of the top 10 Realtors in the Charlottesville-Albemarle area, only one was not associated with either new construction or condo conversions. Several of the top 20 were “Teams.”228 had at least 10 transactions.407 had at least 5 transactions, or sides.About 350 had zero transactions in 2006.There’s something to be said for hiring a full-time Realtor.End of the year market data coming soon.
Looking for a house in Charlottesville
This is why I shun print media as often as possible – With print, there is no way to measure who is reading your ad; it’s almost like throwing money into a vacuum and hoping for a result. An agent in my office said today that she had received three email leads this week on her new listing; nothing from the local print publication.Somebody is looking to learn more about the real estate market in the Charlottesville area. 90% of the sponsored ads were not Realtors – they were lead-aggregation companies whose service is to put potential buyers in touch with “qualified Realtors” (those Realtors who are qualified to pay for those leads)…. An enterprising soul might find a way to aggregate the open house data and display it on their site.
Inman Connect 2007
I would love to go to this conference, if only to meet many of the real estate bloggers who will be in attendance, but alas, family, work and end-of-month travel prevent me from going. I look forward to reading about all the news that comes out of the conference.
Real estate photography matters
Believe it or not, good photos help sell a house. I will be implementing many of these tips for my new listings.These two photos below are from a pre-list appointment for a property in Charlottesville that will hit the market in the next few weeks.With a wide-angle lens (standing in the same place) (intentionally fuzzy)WithoutIf there is not a picture in the MLS, and there is not a compelling reason, your agent is doing you a disservice.
Charlottesville is great for job-seekers
Seriously. We’re number 8.
Sustainable building workshop in Albemarle
Kudos to the County of Albemarle:The Virginia Sustainable Building Network will be holding a training session for Earthcraft House™ in Charlottesville for the first time on January 18, 2007…. The EarthCraft House™ green building program works with home builders to construct resource and energy-efficient homes that lessen the impact on the environment. Earth Craft homes were first built in Virginia about one year ago when the program did a test run in Charlottesville.The EarthCraft program standards were developed through a unique partnership between Southface Energy Institute and the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association, government and environmental leaders…. My prediction is that the housing market will see a return to buyers staying in houses longer and thus will be able to recoup the costs from living greener, more earth-friendly lifestyles.