Two inches of snow cripple Albemarle County

If you are thinking about relocating to the Charlottesville area, be prepared for two to three inches of snow to close schools for two days in a row (in Albemarle County at least). I know, I know – it’s the re-freeze on the roads, but come on. For more closings, check out WVIR or WCAV.

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  2. mallfellow February 8, 2007 at 09:37

    Actually, it’s usually due to the large number of dirt roads that the school buses have to travel down. They either don’t get plowed and/or are shaded such that they stay snow/ice covered for much longer than the paved roads (not to mention that they get far less traffic). This is not to say that the county couldn’t have some sort of alternate pickup site for those in trouble spots which could go into effect on these questionable ‘snow’ days.

  3. Jim Duncan February 9, 2007 at 11:43

    I know, but there should be some way to not punish the majority due to the poor conditions affecting a minority.