Marketing ethics to Virginia Realtors

The Virginia Association of Realtors has launched a new site designed to market sound ethics practices. I like the concept of marketing the value of ethics, but fear that those most in need of ethics training/primers/refreshers just might not care.

It has a blog, sort of, that is clearly a work in progress.

What is the definition of a blog? Scoble has thoughts on the matter.

In the Charlottesville area, consumers (and I assume Realtors as well) can file complaints starting here.

Update: I neglected to mention this site, intended to be an amalgamation very over-the-top version of every negative stereotype that exists about Realtors.

Realtors in and outside of Virginia, what do you think? Consumers – your thoughts?

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  1. TrvlnMn February 12, 2007 at 04:21

    I think the complaints link/feature (if publicized enough) could help in cleaning out the trash. Unless there’s no one willing to be the hammer. If that happens then it will just wind being a decorative fig leaf (which happens all to often in a few other local proffesions I won’t name).

    And I think “The Tedster” is a riot.

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