Beware of redistricting

This is why I always use the word “probably” when referencing school districts. Unless you can see the school and maybe throw a rock and hit it, there are no guarantees that that desirable Elementary-Middle-High School feeder pattern will remain intact.

From today’s DP:

“One of the things we’re doing with our Realtors is to say: ‘Please don’t promise folks when they move into the area that they’re going to be in that school for life,’” Behrens said. “In a growing community, in a growing county, you can expect boundary changes if you’re on the fringes. Some divisions in the state are redistricting every year. Our goal is one time during elementary, so that you don’t have to be redistricted back and forth.”

If your Realtor does guarantee that, challenge him. Growth is going to happen; nothing is permanent or guaranteed. Always do your own due diligence.

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