Real estate blogging is catching on

Surprise, surprise!

Real estate blogs even have their very own (and brilliant!) search engine, courtesy of Todd Carpenter. Greg has aggregated 190+ real estate blogs, and Active Rain and RealTown becoming the largest real estate blog platforms. Having written consistently for just over two years, now (1569 posts and counting), the time and dedication one must put forth can seem and be daunting.

Blogging was just named part of Real Estate Trend #4 in Stefan Swanepoel’s excellent Real Estate Trends Report.  Get your very own copy of Realty Blogging (with a gratuitous quote or two from yours truly)here.

Having a blog is one thing; doing it well can is another. If the Pareto Principle holds true for real estate blogging, there are going to be a whole lot of blogs. I wonder what RE.Net 3.0 will look like.

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Bloginar in NoVa

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