Thursday links 2-21-2007

Carnival of the Green

How to stage your home

Stats, lies and real estate

How to shrink Albemarle’s footprint – yes, Virginia, green building is smart and fiscally viable:

Specifically, the board is considering tying rezoning and special-use permits to the willingness of developers to promise to build green. …

Ultimately, says Lowe, change will come from a widespread shift in the mindsets of builders and homeowners regarding both the benefits and ease of green building. “The carpet in my house, on a cost-per-square-yard basis installed, was in the normal ranges of what I pay for carpet anyway, but made from a recycled material,” he says. “It doesn’t necessarily cost much if any more to build minimally in a green fashion.”

Central Virginia’s first Workforce Housing Forum in March

The Virginia blogosphere’s own Jim Bacon will be speaking at the Economic Opportunity Luncheon on 6 March at 11:30. The speech is titled: A Train Wreck for the 21st Century — Why Virginia Transportation Policy is Running off the Rails. Mark your calendars and get your tickets here.
Top 10 Technologies for the Housing industry in 2007. (hat tip: Luxury Home Digest)

Two great local organizations, the Charlottesville Venture Group and the Virginia Piedmont Technology Group, are merging. Wow.

VPTC+CVG will focus on technology and on entrepreneurship, which supports the needs of our members as well as our region. We will have more than 300 member companies and the resources to be the preeminent private-sector advocate and catalyst for entrepreneurship and technology-based economic development in the region.

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