Beer and subprime mortgages

Beer and Biofuels. Who woulda thunk that that the future of the two were related? So says the Financial Times:

The rapid expansion of biofuel production may be welcome news for environmentalists but for the world’s beer drinkers it could be a different story.
Strong demand for biofuel feedstocks such as corn, soyabeans and rapeseed is encouraging farmers to plant these crops instead of grains like barley, driving up prices.

The USDA expects US barley acreage over the next 10 years to remain flat. That might not be the case for the price of beer.

The USA Today reports that subprime mortgages may be the worst threat to the market. If biofuels may influence the future of the beer industry, what industries might the subprime mortgage sector touch?

Who doesn’t love unintended consequences?

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