Charlottesville MSA is number 50!

In the whole country (282 total)

Today’s release of the OFHEO’s data is interesting.
Regarding the Charlottesville MSA*:

Housing prices rose in the past 12 month period 9.73%; 1.25% over the past quarter and a whopping 80.35% over the past 5 year period. The 5-year increase is higher than our 2 closest MSAs – Richmond and Harrisonburg.

Looking at housing even outside of the window of the past 5 years, real estate still appears to be a sound investment – so long as one purchases wisely.
Picture 1-3

Here’s the full report.
HT: BusinessWeek
* Albemarle, Charlottesville, Greene, Fluvanna, Nelson

Related reading: Calculated Risk

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