1st Quarter Market Report for the Charlottesville area

The trickle of data continues …

In this quarter for the CharlAlbemarle Market:

From 1 Janurary 2006 to 5 April 2006 in Charlottesville/Albemarle, there were 259 price changes and there were 451 price changes in 2007. There is no way to discern whether these were all price reductions, but a reasonable assumption is that the vast majority of the changes were downward.

476 properties (single family, attached and condos) sold in 2006 and 342 sold in 2007.

665 went under contract in 2006 and 635 went under contract in 2007.

1555 were listed in 2006 and 1216 were listed in 2007.

For the entire MSA**:

2148 were listed in 2006 and 1850 were listed in 2007.

943 went under contract in 2006 and 888 in 2007.

715 were sold in 2006 and 532 were sold in 2007.

* Source: Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors MLS, whose data is “good enough for now”
** Charlottesville MSA = Charlottesville, Albemarle. Greene, Fluvanna, Nelson

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