Buy local food in Charlottesville

Following up on Waldo’s post in March … There has been much talk in the Charlottesville area about buying local foods, organic foods, etc. That is why I was happily surprised to receive a mailing from the PEC titled “Buy Fresh, Buy Local,” further directing one to visit their new site, “Buy Local Cville.

(I didn’t see anywhere that the mailing was printed on recycled paper – that would have been nice 🙂 )

Personally, I’m trying to “walk the walk,” riding a bike around Crozet when I can, using a manual push mower, recycling … joining a CSA may be next.

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  1. Stormy May 11, 2007 at 08:41

    Yes! Join a CSA! Waldo’s (and my) CSA, Horse and Buggy Produce, now has a Crozet drop off. I liked the mailing too. Definitely a pleasant surprise.

  2. Waldo Jaquith May 11, 2007 at 11:51

    I didn’t see anywhere that the mailing was printed on recycled paper – that would have been nice

    Not necessarily. While recycled paper saves trees, the act of recycling requires an enormous amount of bleach, and all of the ink that’s washed off the page forms a nasty bleach/ink slurry that’s a terrible pollutant. It’s in no way clear right now whether recycling paper is better or worse than using paper that’s made from sustainably harvested fibers (trees, hemp, etc.)

  3. Lonnie May 11, 2007 at 13:30

    We use the Innisfree village CSA.

    Honestly, I’d never really liked vegetables much, but having fresh ones in season has really changed my thinking. I’m finally becoming a fan of them, and I really enjoy our CSA. Even if it wasn’t benefiting a great community, I’d still do it.

  4. C May 11, 2007 at 17:01

    The Local Food Guide rocks!….and it’s free!
    PEC does it again….