What are the limits of the MLS?

Does listing a property in the MLS prevent any other Realtors from talking or writing about the properties? Spurred by this (very) wide-ranging conversation on RCG, and this comment in particular,

The reality is that talking about someone else’s listings steals their business. It’s true. If I write posts about the best properties out there, it is likely some people will call me to buy them. … Lacking a client relationship, I have no authority to have an opinion about an individual’s home to the general public.

I wondered … and as I was wondering, Greg goes off and steals my thoughts before I can type them (although his are a bit more eloquent, and he uses bigger words)

Kevin has even more here. The more Realtors hold fast to their archaic practices, the more it will appear that they are tilting at windmills from times past. 

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  1. Al Iance May 18, 2007 at 12:26

    REALTORS, like the RIAA and others, need to wake up in the current century and get a clue.

    How can you own the right to discuss a home?

    Talk about stretching the protectionism concept awfully thin.

    At least everyone can be clear on the extent to which some REALTORS place their own business success above the service and advantage of their consumer clients.

  2. Kenneth Fach June 1, 2007 at 08:02

    As a REALTOR, I would be happy to have others talk and share information about my properties. That would give my properties, and myself, more exposure, which is important in sales. Exposure brings more business. So, i would not fuss, and complain because others are helping get the word out that I have some great properties for sale, even if they do it with the intention of helping my business or not.

    Kenneth Fach, REALTOR
    Weichert, REALTORS-Anchor, Tallahassee, Florida
    Direct/Cell/Text 850-339-5753 http://KennethFach.com

    Each office is independently owned and operated.