Charlottesville Green Carnival

This is the first in what I hope will be the occasional yet frequent Charlottesville Green Carnival – a place to highlight, ever-so-briefly green happenings.

Green Matters – now advertising information clinics in the C-Ville Weekly

Sunbiosis – A Charlottesville green architect that popped up in my feedreader.

Lithic Construction – another green builder that popped up

Eco-Friendly homes a moneymaker for ‘green’ firms

Officials examine sustainable local food supply

Do you have a green cause? What other local green stories have you seen?

Green “stuff,” and green building/real estate is a trend that is not going away. I told a developer the other day that he should consider changing his plans now because by 2009, I believe that green building will be a de facto requirement of buyers. Barely a day goes by that there is not a major story or initiative in the national press about green innovations, and every week brings a new development in the Charlottesville area – real estate or otherwise.

I wrote my first story on this blog in November of 2005; the momentum of this movement has certainly picked up since then.

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