Have your say on proffers in Albemarle

Take the Survey just released by the County. More at Cvilletomorrow.

The Board has approved proffer dollar amounts for various housing types as listed below:
Single Family Detached (SFD) — $17,500 
Single Family Attached/Town House/Condominium (SFA/TH)  — $11,900
Multifamily/Apartment (MF) — $12,400 
Mobile Home (MH) — $18,900 [Discussions by the  Board have mentioned the possibility of waiving this amount] 

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1 Comment

  1. TrvlnMn June 12, 2007 at 18:22

    I’ve got some real issues with the way the survey is set up. The layout is awkward. The input boxes are too small. etc. I get the impression from the layout that they really didn’t want much input from the public.

    As for the content of the survey. I don’t think credits should be accepted in lieu of cash for anything other than conservation. I think the BoS would find a way to screw it up and give away too much to the developer.

    I also don’t think that they should “Exempt affordable housing units?”. The BoS and developers have proven that they have absolutely NO concept as to what constitutes affordable.

    With regards to the standardized dollar amounts- they’re all too low.

    I take exception to the fact that the Mobile Home fee is the highest at 18,900. The people I know who live in Mobile homes do not usually have the money to spare for something like that- otherwise they wouldn’t be choosing a mobile home as their housing option. That fee should be waived. As it is the county of Albemarle makes it near impossible to do something like buy some land and put a mobile home on it (or so I’ve been told by people who actually looked into it).

    The Single Family Housing needs to be the highest of the three remaining categories. It’s a house- which implies permanence and a long term demand on infrastructure.

    Next Condo’s and Townhouses should be the same as Apartment’s. They’re basically the same types of dwelling units with equal impacts on the communities, but with a different ownership structure. There’s no reason the fee for apartments should be higher. (unless they use the word LUXURY- and charge accordingly- 😛 ).

    And that’s my 2 cents on this subject.