Goin’ to San Francisco

The first week of August for Inman Connect, one of “the premier networking, information, and technology conferences for the real estate industry.” And I’m moderately excited and somewhat nervous.

Inman Speaker

Never having done something like this before, I don’t know where to set my expectations. Heck, I didn’t want to write about it until I saw it on Inman’s website. Sharing the panel with Matt Goyer and Greg Tracy is humbling. I debated going, but after some thought, think that this opportunity may never come around again. Opportunity knocks only once, they say.

But, this event gives a good lead into an upcoming story on building credibility in today’s online and offline world.

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  1. Daniel Rothamel June 12, 2007 at 15:35

    Congrats, Jim! I’m sure you’ll do just fine on the panel.

  2. Jeremy Hart June 13, 2007 at 11:21

    Awesome Jim! Are you kidding, you’ll do great there!

  3. Jim Duncan June 13, 2007 at 13:20

    Thanks, guys. It should be fun and I relish new opportunities … we’ll see. the best part will be meeting all the fellow bloggers.

  4. Todd Tarson June 13, 2007 at 13:27

    Don’t forget to pack your MOCO Real tee-shirt!!

    (thanks again)

    You will be a great panelist.

  5. Merv June 14, 2007 at 08:39

    Jim, Congrats! I look forward to seeing you there and the rest of the Bloggers I’ve come to know but never met over the last 2+ years.

    By the way, your new Blog design is awesome!

  6. Jim Duncan June 15, 2007 at 12:40

    Merv –

    Thanks so much. One of the neat parts is that they give us generic press releases announcing our participation. Look for it soon 🙂 I saw the first one put out by another blogger yesterday, which is somewhat bizarre.

  7. Merv June 15, 2007 at 18:20

    Also Jim, I had lunch today with a friend of yours from up here: Susan MeKenney. What a delight!

    I’m doing some consulting/coaching with her about (what else?): Real Estate Consulting…the business model that simply makes more sense.

  8. Jim Duncan June 15, 2007 at 18:52

    Good stuff. I really like her and am glad to see she’s got such a good coach!

  9. Pingback: Going to San Francisco Next Week | Real Central VA