Blog Tour USA in Charlottesville!

Rudy and Joe just finished up in Northern Virginia with Merv; and they’re on their way here. What to do? Where to go?

Update: I really and truly was privileged to have had Rudy and Joe come through Charlottesville. One of the greatest benefits of real estate blogging is the relationships that are formed. The Blog Tour USA is putting faces to names throughout the country. We had some great conversations – enough to support several forthcoming blog posts.

Their video camera rarely off, we went to the Downtown Mall, saw the Pavilion, the Paramount the Free Speech Wall and interviewed representatives from two very different new construction companies – Ryan Homes, a traditional production builder of many, many homes and townhomes who have had a presence in the area for nearly two years. Their marketing falls under the category of “traditional.” On the other end of the Mall we stopped into the sales center for the Woodlands of Charlottesville, who take a very different, grass-roots plus, approach to marketing. More on both of these in a later post. Both Ryan and Woodlands folks graciously spoke for about thirty minutes each to Joe and Rudy – not a bad response to a couple of guys walking down the mall with a video camera!

My only regrets? That I didn’t take my picture with them and that I didn’t prepare better for their stop, such as alerting local media. Ah well, next time?

Perhaps most impressive about their tour is not their fortitude, patience and persistence, but that there are enough real estate bloggers to even support such an effort! More to come as I process and put my thoughts down. Interacting with bloggers online is one thing – in person is even better. Thanks for stopping guys!

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  1. Joseph Ferrara.sellsius July 6, 2007 at 07:54

    It was indeed a pleasure meeting with you Jim– you are one of the veterans & shining stars of real estate blogging.

    Thank you for your hospitality and tour of C-ville’s Downtown Mall— a beautiful place.

  2. Scott Montgomery July 7, 2007 at 18:31

    Looks like it was a good day- I too had the pleasure of lunch with Joe and Rudy- They are certainly meeting a lot of bloggers out there! Looking forward to reading more Jim!