Quick Market summary for Charlottesville & Albemarle

The data keeps coming. Only for the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle –

Charlottesville Sold Data YTD1010 properties have sold so far this year*

Closed Transactions by Price Range in Charlottesville/Albemarle in 2007

*Data is of the weekend of 8 July, 2007
*Since I started this story this past weekend, the monthly sales numbers have changed slightly, so I’ll say that the margin of error (right now) is +-5 to 10.
*Of the 212 properties under 200K that sold between 1 January and 30 June 2007, 115 were condos – just over 50%. (there are 118 on the market right now)
*Hat tip to Ardell for the nifty way to show the data.
*I’d love to separate new construction from the equation, but I don’t trust the data enough.

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