Wednesday links 7-11-2007

A world of reasons to ditch bottled water. We recycle our bottled water bottles; but we drink too much water.Yesterday my daughter and I went to Blue Ridge and bought Nalgene bottles for every member of the family. Every little bit helps.

Is America headed for a rail renaissance?

Debunking Portland, The City That Doesn’t Work (PDF)
Unspoilt land is valuable, but not priceless.

Doomsday in October for subprime?

Regarding Facebook:

… regardless of the ultimate fate of Facebook, the set of characteristics that it has established – the sense of community; user control over the boundedness of openness; support for fine grained privacy controls; the ability to form ad-hoc groups with flexible administration; integration and linkage to external data resources and application spaces through a liberal and open API definition; socially promiscuous communication – these will be carried with us into future environments as expectations for online communities.

Sprint was justified in canceling some of its customers. Wouldn’t you want to cancel some of these customers?

Fair Housing Laws too strictly interpreted? I wrote about this last month.

Ways to save with a few Eco-Friendly items. The attic heat blocker is one that I need. Now I need to find someone in Charlottesville who installs them.

And I couldn’t post on 7-11-07 without including a few stories about former 7-11’s, now Kwik-E-Marts. Pics. More Pics.

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1 Comment

  1. TrvlnMn July 11, 2007 at 19:42

    Re- Rail Renaissance.

    I would love to see passenger rail again (perhaps high speed passenger rail). There are places that I would prefer to travel via rail but where rail does not go.

    Re- Sprint Fires Customers…

    The part of me that’s worked a Customer service job thinks that’s a great idea! But I also have known a lot of people (too many for it to be a coincidence) who had sprint cellular and all of them without said without reservation that sprint had the worst customer service they had ever experienced (and that was on top of the actual cellular service and billing problems). Most (possibly all) of them switched carriers (and are now happy with their new ones).


    From the article:

    Those stores and most of the 6,000-plus other 7-Elevens in North America will sell items that until now existed only on television: Buzz Cola, KrustyO’s cereal and Squishees, the slushy drink knockoff of Slurpees.

    That’s great! But I thought it was Buzz beer not buzz cola.

    I remember several years ago (probably a few more than several) when an Australian company tried making and selling very very briefly) Buzz Beer of simpsons fame. Then Fox sent the cease and desist threat letter and that was that.