Perhaps the nicest thing ever written about me

Imagine my surprise, when flipping through this week’s C-Ville today, I was surprised to see a review of

1. It is an unsolicited endorsement.
2. It takes up a quarter-page in one of the two prominent weekly newspapers in Charlottesville.
2. It accurately captures many, and nearly all, of my goals with this blog.
3. It’s local.
4. It’s genuine.

It’s also refreshing that Duncan doesn’t take the typical Realtor’s approach of basically shilling the properties that he lists. The way Duncan writes about real estate and the articles he links to make it clear that he is not just in the business to make a living; the man seems genuinely interested in real estate as a topic of intelligent discussion, in sharing what he knows and in learning more.

Quite candidly, this review is one of the nicest things I think has ever been written about me, and I hope to live up to the clearly high expectations I have set.  I’m humbled and grateful. Thank you.

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  1. Jay Thompson July 25, 2007 at 19:40

    What a fantabulous (and if I might add, spot on) review! *THAT* is what it’s all about. Clearly you “get it” Jim. Congrats.

  2. Jim Duncan July 26, 2007 at 07:10

    thanks, Jay. I really was shocked when I read it, mostly because the writer “got” so well what I am trying to do.

  3. Gerry Davidson July 26, 2007 at 11:43


    How nice to be noticed for, how should I say it, intelligence, forthright motivations, and a true respect for the real estate industry! Kudos. Have you ever thought of moving to Atlanta? We’re always looking for the best and brightest.

  4. Michael Price July 26, 2007 at 19:52

    Congratulations. You’re deserving of the praise. The author should also be commended for understanding what a quality RE Blog is all about.

  5. Jim Duncan July 26, 2007 at 20:54

    Michael – that aspect is what I was most impressed with.

    Gerry – thank you so much. Atlanta is a wee bit too large for me. 🙂

  6. Jennifer Steck July 26, 2007 at 21:15

    Jim- Congratulations. Your personality shows through. That is the amazing thing about blogging. People get to know you from a safe distance and then want to meet you as a new friend and client. That is high praise indeed.

  7. Jim Duncan July 27, 2007 at 09:35

    Jennifer – thank you.