Setting clients’ expectations is crucial

Preparing for the worst – knowing what the “worst” looks like and doing whatever is possible to avoid it – that is one of the key components of a successful Realtor. I’ve said many times before that mere MLS access is no longer a guarantee of success.

Setting clients’ expectations at appropriate levels and preparing them for some of the “mights” is one of the most important aspects of a transaction – if you do this, then this will happen; if you don’t do this, then expect the other side to do this.

My job is not to promise sunshine and happiness every day or that every transaction will be seamless (most of them are, to the clients’ eyes) – my job is to manage the transaction minutiae so that surprises are negligible factors – and this comes from experience.

What would be worse as a buyer or seller – having the “worst” happen to you, or being surprised when the worst happens?

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1 Comment

  1. TrvlnMn August 1, 2007 at 11:45

    What would be worse as a buyer or seller – having the “worst” happen to you, or being surprised when the worst happens?

    The worst always happens and it’s not for lack of planning. However if I’m prepared to deal with it then it becomes nothing more than a speed bump and headache. If I’m surprised by it then I’ve done something wrong (and at that point I usually get angry). I’d rather not be surprised.