10 Easy green tips for Charlottesville

Adding simple green components to your home can add immediate value not only for you, but from a resale value perspective as well. Hint: buyers are asking about green features in homes.

1 – Rain recapture/harvesting systems and at the Rivanna Store
2 – Small Solar arrays
3 – Upgrade insulation and weather stripping
4 – Avoid toxic cleaners whenever possible; use green products.
5 – Visit the Charlottesville Habitat Store
6 – Join a CSA
7 – Green building resource guide
8 – Go green today
9 – Green your air conditioning
10 – Educate yourself. Read green blogs (here are some of the green blogs I read)

* several of the links above were found at Move’s Green blog

What are some of the easy green tips that you have found for your home?

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