Real estate professionals better start saving

Below the fold is a memo sent to a mortgage broker in Charlottesville. In short, anybody associated with the real estate industry will have to put down at least a 10% down-payment and will be facing much greater scrutiny on their loans. Verifying income is something that frankly should have been done all along; but shouldn’t somebody who is able to document solid income for two or three years be able to borrow higher amounts?

From the broker who sent this to me –

So, Jim, my problem is with the discrimination against Real Estate professionals.  There are many industries that one might assume a lower income stream right now versus last year.  That is no reason to disallow a 95%-100% CLTV.  I can prove my income stream has been steady  and consistent since 2001.  Why punish me?  Theoretically, you could do a 95% first loan with PMI under this scenario, but why would you?  Almost always the 80/15/5 route is better in term of monthly payment and the MI deduction is fazed out completely at $109,000 AGI.  The choice just makes it easier to go to another lender.
—No other lenders have indicated this, but every day (I mean every day) we get notices about programs that are being modified, to become more restrictive.  We’ve even (temporarily) lost the ability to originate stand-alone seconds with (another bank).  They have shut off the origination side to brokers and even my Account Executive doesn’t know whether his job is safe.  Fortunately, we maintain multiple relationships, so we have other home equity solutions for clients.

Michael, Brian, Dan – any thoughts?

Every day brings a new development. There seems to be too much to keep track of. One question I’m working on is this – what impact will the curtailing of the easy money have on home prices?

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Real Estate Professionals – Applies to InterFirst CES Only

Loans to Real Estate Professionals are subject to the following:

– The maximum CLTV permitted is  90%.

– Stated income and/or stated  assets are not permitted.

– The borrower’s income, assets  and employment must be verified.

– Real Estate Professionals, as  used in this policy, include:

– Real Estate Brokers, Real  Estate Agents, and employees of Real Estate Brokers or Agents

– Property Managers and employees  of property managers/management companies

– Home Improvement Dealers and  contractors and their employees

– Home Builders and General  Contractors, and their employees

– Real Estate Investors (Defined  as any person who owns more than two properties)

– Mortgage Broker or any employee  of a mortgage broker.

– Principals, officers and  employees of any mortgage lender (excludes national banks).

– Title company principals,  managers, or employees.

– Real Estate Appraisers or any  employees of real estate appraisers or appraisal management companies.

Lest we forget though – there are opportunities everywhere. Apparently “Cameron” is willing to give me a loan. 🙂 Ah, spam.

Your credit score doesn’t matter to us!

If you have your own business and wish IMMEDIATE money to spend ANY way you like or require Extra money to give your business a boost or  want A low interest loan – NO STRINGS ATTACHED, here is our deal we can offer you TODAY (hurry, this lot will expire THIS EVENING):

$28,000+ loan

Hurry, when the deal is gone, it is gone. Simply Call Us…

Don’t worry about approval, your credit will not disqualify you!

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1 Comment

  1. Dan Green August 14, 2007 at 17:06

    Did you see the “InterFirst CES”? This is a key point that may have been missed.

    Interfirst is ABN-AMRO’s mortgage lending ARM (which is now merged with CITI).

    “CES” stands for Closed End Second, as in “home equity loan”.

    Given that the market for closed-end seconds is the same market that buys sub-prime and Alt-A loans, this is not altogether too surprising.

    I’ve never seen/noticed a similar underwriting guideline in my years as a mortgage broker. Maybe Brian has…?