Something all Realtors and sellers should read

Part of an email from a buyer client who is searching for homes in Charlottesville:

We overlooked this home because it only had a photo of the outside, but the home next door to it was for sale and I found a virtual tour through Trulia– it is beautiful. Depending on the shape this one is in, we could go in at $240-250 and have some cash left for renovations. The outside looks well-kept.

The realtor is doing his client a disservice by only having one photo, but the resultant lack of interest may work to our advantage.

It is the Realtor’s responsibility to do his or her job well. It is the client’s responsibility to check up on what their Realtor is doing on their behalf.

I like to show properties that have one or fewer photos – it usually means that the Seller will have had less traffic and will therefore be more willing to negotiate a lower offer.

*thanks to my client for allowing me to quote him.

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  1. Galen August 17, 2007 at 23:09

    And buyers too. There are deals to be had for those who can look past a crappy photo!

  2. Jim Duncan August 18, 2007 at 10:46

    Galen –

    Amen. Crappy photos are one of a good buyer’s agent’s best tools! 🙂

  3. Malok August 18, 2007 at 13:54

    Interesting post. Its something that I’ve noticed as well. The places without photos or very poor photos just sit waiting for someone to get a good deal. 🙂

  4. Ardell DellaLoggia August 19, 2007 at 12:05


    On a side note, I’ve been wondering if Malok comments are just spam comments over on my post. Why would an agent show a name like “Malok”? Makes no sense to me. What do you think?

  5. Malok August 19, 2007 at 16:32

    Probably because my husband and I are a team, and using a non-gendered name allows he and I to share the name for the internet.

  6. Jim Duncan August 19, 2007 at 22:34

    and there you go. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Malok.


  7. ARDELL September 5, 2007 at 03:33

    Thanks Malok…makes sense to me. Maybe Kris and Steve Berg can be Krist 🙂

  8. Malok September 5, 2007 at 08:42

    Sure, no problem. It just makes things easier from a marketing perspective (and it helps cut back on the weirdo freaky freakies somewhat) that surf the internet looking for female names. This way, someone actually has to make an effort to see who I am, and most of the weirdos just glance over the name Malok.

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