A family in need

I never knew him, but feel the need to post. There is a camaraderie in the real estate blogosphere that I hope will continue throughout its growth. With that in mind, I give thanks to Lani’s brother’s life and my thoughts and prayers to his family. I’d like to think that the real estate blogging family (and others) will come through in her family’s time of need.

Per Greg:

Aaron Anglin is survived by a wife and two very young daughters. The way I’m reading things, he died without life insurance, which puts those three ladies on a very hard road.

If you can spare something for them, put it in the form of negotiable funds — cash, cashier’s check or money order — and overnight it to:

Aleisha Anglin
c/o Lani Anglin
2719 Costa Azul Cove
Leander, TX

April is working on setting up a donation account with Bank of America, and I’ll amend this post when that account becomes available.

But: I will promise you that there are people who will want to be paid now, and this young family will have immediate and ongoing needs. There was a time in your life when fate could have hit you this hard. Now is your chance to redeem that good fortune.

More at Lani’s site.

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  1. April Groves September 24, 2007 at 22:53


    Thanks so much for your support. It is much appreciated.

  2. Pingback: The Days After

  3. Lani Anglin October 2, 2007 at 23:47

    Jim, thank you so much for spreading the word. Aleisha definitely needs it for a long time to come. I am very grateful.

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