Monday links 08 October 2007

Curbside composting in Charlottesville?

Good content is a hot commodity. Anybody can blog. Doing well is another story. (Hint: it requires a lot of work)

Meetup with the cVillains tomorrow night. I feel more connected to Charlottesville and “hipper” just by reading this blog every day.

Cvillrail gets an endorsement from Charlottesville’s City Council. What this means, who knows.

I’ve just crossed the 20k mark, while ProBlogger has passed 2 million. Thanks to Askimet.

There’s a hugely important Albemarle County Board of Supervisors meeting on 10 October that will be absolutely crucial.

That makes Wednesday’s hearing on proposals that would curb development on steep slopes and near waterways, as well as toughen restrictions on what residents can do when constructing a home for a family member, that much more intriguing. It’s unclear whether the proposals have more support one way or the other, but supervisors face a hefty decision in the last major vote before the Nov. 6 election.

Homebuilders struggle to survive.

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