Friday Links – 12 October 2007

It’s a bit odd to see Google chasing others … but at least I’ll get the storage boost I need.

On the devaluation of traffic

There’s a fairly intense conversation today about how much traffic certain web sites generate over others. To me, a lot of it misses the point. As I have said in the past, Web site traffic overall is devaluing. The Long Tail is the culprit.

A study of trust online

… half of all consumers trust consumer-generated media and branded web sites. Opinions posted on blogs (or social media) are fairly trusted. In North America 66% say they trust user generated media

The United States of Subprime (permanent link) –

The Journal’s findings reveal that the subprime aftermath is hurting a far broader array of Americans than many realize, cutting across differences in income, race and geography. From investors hoping to strike it rich by speculating on condominiums to the working poor chasing the homeownership dream, subprime loans burrowed into the heart of the American financial system — and now are bringing deepening woe.

Saying that race is the only factor in these loans is short-sighted.

I tell all of my clients that the three most pressing issues in our region are infrastructure and the accompanying politics, water and affordable/workforce housing.

Monday is Blog Action Day, when thousands of blogs will write about the environment – things like how “Charlottesville will be the epicenter of climate activism in Virginia” among other subjects. Take a minute to read and consider Seth Godin’s post July – it helps put those seemingly insignificant everyday decisions in perspective.

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

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