How do we think and learn?

What follows are two outstanding videos. As interesting as the videos themselves is the manner in which I found them –

The first one came to light from this blog:

The second one (Greg posted yesterday as well) was one of the “you might also like” recommendations at the end of the video.

How we categorize things, even in real estate and MLS’, is changing.

Also recommended: The Office and Ron Paul.

Think about it.

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  1. Jeff Royce, RE/MAX Choice October 16, 2007 at 10:20


    Great stuff. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The world is changing quickly. I graduated from college in 1990…never having used the internet. I lived overseas from 91-93…and never sent an e-mail. I bought a computer in 94…it had a 100mb hard drive and I never filled it. That was only 13 years ago.

  2. Cindy October 17, 2007 at 07:59

    From my previous life as the first Director of Operations of University of Phoenix “Distance Education” in 1988, then Blackboard in the late 90’s moving faculty on-line and now watching former associates starting a new company Rave Wireless put courses and alerting messaging on cell phones I think higher education is finally making a turn in the right direction. This message is relevant for Realtors who think they are going to reach the next generations of buyers by continuing to put out print ads and direct mail pieces. Wake up and smell the coffee!