Square footage, Bankruptcies and Campaign funds

Learning to love the not-so-big house. It’s not hard (and it’s cheaper, too!)

I’d love to get my hands on a copy of this “Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2008” (hat tip: Toronto Real Estate Intelligence)

The art and science of figuring out square footage: (hat tip: Matrix)

Watch the whole series – it’s fascinating – in the various methods and results.

Who has the most money in the local races?

Going green by raising green

We need more bridgebuilders – within and outside the Realtor world.

I don’t know whether Central Virginia is in the Western or Eastern district, so bankruptcies between 2nd Quarter 06 and 2nd Quarter 07 are up either 8% or 37%, respectively. More at the WSJ (temp free link)

Mortgage reset chart

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  1. Jim Duncan October 25, 2007 at 15:06

    Thanks, Stormy.