An offer for politicians who blog in CharlAlbemarle

Of the current candidates and incumbents for Albemarle County’s Board of Supervisors and the Charlottesville City Council, why don’t more blog?

In the City, incumbents Dave Norris and David Brown, who is running for re-election, blog. Candidates Peter Kleeman and Barbara Haskins do, too.

In the County of Albemarle, none of the incumbents or candidates blog, and only one of the School Board members does.

Brian Wheeler, running for re-election on the School Board, has done more to bring transparency and openness to local politics than almost any other local politician.
At the state level, this is one of the blogging leaders.
Is anybody missing from this list?

Here is an offer to any of the current or prospective members of the local seats – I’ll give you an hour or two of my time to show you how to blog. I’ll help you set one up and show you some of the basics and “rules” of blogging. It’s neither hard nor intimidating, but it may be new for some and there is a learning curve.

The selfish return for you is this – members of the public will read what you write. If they like it, they’ll let you know. If they don’t, they’ll let you know that, too. The selfish return for the public is this – you’ll be more accessible and likely better informed – if you take it seriously.

Make no mistake – it’s work, but would benefit all of us.

Would any of the current or prospective members be willing to take this offer?

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  2. Brian Wheeler October 26, 2007 at 14:00

    Jim – Thanks for the kind words. Blogging has been a great experience for me as an elected official. So much so I have been a presenter at state and national school board conferences talking about blogging as an effective community engagement tool. I hope we can both recruit a few more converts from our local elected officials in Charlottesville-Albemarle.

    Brian Wheeler
    At-Large Member
    Albemarle County School Board

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