A big day

One of fifteen sixteen.

Intimidated. Excited. Honored and humbled to be sharing the stage/platform with the rest of the Bloodhound writers.

This blog has long focused on the Charlottesville/Central Virginia real estate market, client representation, technology and the implementation of same in the real estate world and local politics that pertain to real estate.

I welcome the opportunity to expand my reach further.

Hugh Macleod has a pertinent post today in which he states:

If I have noticed one thing to happen in the world of work these last twenty years, it is the massive blurring of the lines that separate work you get paid for, and work you do for free. These days, it’s not uncommon to meet people who work 30-50% of the time for free, especially among the bloggers.

I write because I enjoy writing. Writing provides an outlet and a forum for some of my passions – real estate, politics, education. What price could one set on fulfillment?

I hope to live up to the expectations set upon me by myself, Greg and everybody at Bloodhound.

One thing is certain – my writing will, by necessity and fear of failing on a much grander scale, improve.

I look forward to the opportunity.

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  1. Jeremy Hart November 2, 2007 at 15:57

    Congratulations, Jim! A WELL-DESERVED honor.

  2. Apella November 2, 2007 at 16:21

    Hats Off To You!

    I am glad to see this development as a fan and wish you the best. I look forward to reading your future post.

  3. Teri Lussier November 2, 2007 at 19:46

    Congratulations, and truly the BloodhoundBlog just became a better place.

  4. Galen November 2, 2007 at 21:00

    Congratulations Jim! You definitely deserve it!

  5. Jay Thompson November 3, 2007 at 03:35

    No need to be intimidated Jim, you’re a great addition…

  6. Pingback: Congratulations To Our Friend, Jim Duncan - The Newest Bloodhound « For Sale By Locals: A New Real Estate Approach