Should be on your radar

The Rivanna Station Military Base – is it reasonable to expect them to hire locally?

Rising Gas prices – from the New York Times. $3 gas is going to impact the real estate community in various, far-reaching ways – more demand for public transportation, denser development, telecommuting, possibly higher commissions … last year gas was about eighty cents cheaper. Demand has been relatively inelastic so far …

My favorite post at the CVillain – It’s about beer.

Foreign National Buyers could provide support to the housing market. Charlottesville has always been a fairly cosmopolitan area attracting people from all over the world. I wonder what the dollar’s impact will be here.

City Council may feel our pain. The Real estate bloggers have had a couple of quality posts lately on this subject. Here and here.

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  1. Sara G November 12, 2007 at 15:16

    With UVA right here producing well educated graduates I think they should be trying to hire locally. I worked for the Navy as a civilian employee right out of college and had 4 years of experience and a Top Secret security clearance. However, when I moved to the area the only advice I received from anyone affiliated with NGIC is that I should look for a job at their agencies in DC and then maybe I could move to Cville after spending some time getting established up there first. Quite silly, but I’m sure there are many senior-ranking workers who would love to leave the city for our nice area.

    Another thing to note is that the government generally hires in phases and then will have a hiring freeze for several years. But when they unfreeze, I see no reason not to hire local people.

  2. JoshC November 13, 2007 at 01:22

    I’m sure contractors in particular will make some effort to hire locally — nobody wants to pay relocation money. But understand that obtaining a new clearance, probably higher than TS, for most of the professional jobs at NGIC will be a long process (12 to 18 months), and site security policy may not allow personnel into the building until a clearance is finally granted.

    In that case, two issues apply. #1, even if it takes 2-4 months and several thousand dollars to relocate, a pre-cleared person from DC or straight out of the uniformed services can come on much faster than Sara’s fresh, uncleared UVa graduate. #2, assuming that fresh, uncleared Hoo gets hired, what’s s/he going to do for the next 12-18 months while awaiting clearance? In the DC area, there are other government jobs where that kind of movement is expected, and the large contractors sometimes have other assignments in which to “stash” their personnel awaiting clearance. That infrastructure isn’t present here.

  3. Pingback: NGIC Employees can choose Their Own Buyer Representation | Real Central VA

  4. Pingback: C-Ville looks at NGIC and DIA |

  5. Pingback: NGIC and DIA – What’s the Impact on the Charlottesville Real Estate Market? |