Toy lift needs Help

From today’s Daily Progress:

It’s T-minus two days before Tom Powell lifts off the Charlottesville Fashion Square mall pad in the 19th-annual Toy Lift amid some serious concern at mission control.

“This really isn’t the first economic downturn we’ve had in 18 years and every year that we’ve had the Toy Lift, people have put themselves out there and helped pull off a good Christmas for the children,” he said. “I’m hopeful that we can do it again.”

One toy. That’s all it takes on your part to help make a child’s Christmas. There is no doubt that this year has been hard for anybody associated with real estate, but it shouldn’t be asking too much to ask for one two per person, or twenty bucks.

The expectations of those who are helped are humbling. I’ll come get your donations (new toys, no used ones due to the recalls this year); just let me know.

Find out more here.

 Images Kidslift-2

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