cVillain’s “best of” 2007

Or, as they say, “2007 Raw List of Charlottesville Superlatives.” cVillain burst on the scene earlier this year and has quickly become what I believe to be an informative and fairly influential site in C’Ville. It’s certainly where I vicariously live the night-life that Charlottesville offers.

For a candid, uncensored look into C’Ville – check out Some Things I like about Charlottesville and It’s official: Charlottesville is fun [almost] all the time.

Part of Charlottesville’s draw – why people want to live here – is that it is a great place to live; we have a relatively high (although clearly there are disparities) quality of life and there is almost always something to do – restaurants, music, art, theater, bars, polo, hiking, it’s all here.

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