What a difference six months make (in blogging)

I’m at the Virginia Association of Realtors’ conference this week, and that’s why I haven’t been responding to the comments (sorry!). I’ve been talking about blogging quite a bit in the hallways, and the single greatest “thing” I’ve noticed is this –

Since the last conference, the conversation has shifted from “What’s a Blog?” to “How do we deal with them?” How-to, liability, branding, advertising versus journalism.

I’m going to be speaking at the Charlottesville Association of Realtors meeting about blogging next month, and to a Northern Virginia Board of Directors soon about “how to deal with blogs” – the shift in acceptance is, quite frankly, amazing.

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  1. Pingback: Other perspectives on the Legislative & Education Conference | VARbuzz

  2. Matthew Rathbun February 16, 2008 at 07:20

    I was sensing the same thing. The end of the social media forum and the questions afterwards were very promising. Age wasn’t an issue of acceptance either.

    I made the point (and will expand on this in a post later) that Social Media is the next natural evolution. With Baby Boomers it was sphere of influence marketing, with Gen X it started out as unilateral on-line presence and not we’re finding the hybrid. We’re taking our on-line marketing and marrying it with the traditional sphere of influence and creating a new one on-line.


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