It’s Sweet Sixteen time in the Blog Brawl

Whew. And so goes the next round of the Blog Brawl. Please vote for me in this round. Virtual beers are on the house (and if I make it to the Finals, I might start offering real beer at a location of my choosing – perhaps Blue Mountain or Starr Hill)


Those of you at large companies, feel free to forward this post on to your friends and family so that you may all vote for me here. One IP address allowed.

Is it possible, or appropriate to call on the cVillains to vote for me? What say you?

In addition, I’ll copy the XBroker’s offer of link-love for public voting

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  1. Jay Thompson March 14, 2008 at 16:09

    There’s a little blog from Phoenix in Zone 2 that would appreciate your votes too.

    I may be the Phoenix Real Estate Guy, but I was born right smack in the middle of Charlottesville! Here’s your chance to vote for a son of Virginia!


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