Great story on Belvedere in Charlottesville

This is a significant story in this week’s C-Ville not only because it features my clients, (their blog about Belvedere is here) but it highlights one of the (potentially) best developments (that happens to be green) in the Charlottesville area.

Five years ago—heck, two years ago—if you were searching for an architect to design your sustainable house, a builder to put it together, or a store to supply its fixtures and finishes, you would have had far fewer choices than in 2008. Across the homebuilding industry, people agree that the last several years in greater Charlottesville have seen a flowering of interest and expertise in more earth-friendly houses.

For more information, contact me, as some of my opinions are best left off the blog.

Search for homes in Belvedere here.

Related reading: Build Green or Build Obsolete

Now, if Stonehaus (the developer) can follow through on their promises …

Image Courtesy of the C-Ville

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