Online buyers’ habits changing

Who knew? The article does cover quite a bit of ground, from to Roost to FranklyMLS (review coming soon), to Trulia.

Thanks to Brian for bringing it to my attention, and to Frank for pointing her my way

If only Renae had put a link to my blog …

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  1. Fulton Gaylord April 11, 2008 at 23:07

    Hey Fellow Realtor!

    Nice work on your blog. I am impressed by your content and your presentation style. I also enjoyed your brief talk at CAAR last month. Thank you. If I can aspire to be a 10th as effective with my blog and on-line presence, I will know I’ve “made it!”.
    Thank you for guiding the way, selflessly and with the eagerness and professionalism of a winner!


  2. Brian Block April 13, 2008 at 09:00

    Jim, pretty cool to share article space with a bunch of other fellow VA bloggers.

  3. Jim Duncan April 13, 2008 at 18:11

    Fulton –

    Thanks so much for the kind words.

    Brian – agreed.

  4. Pingback: Posts with Enduring Interest - Take Two - Just for Buyers | Real Central VA

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