Earth Day links

Happy Earth Day.Charlottesville-Earth-Week.png

Or – Earth Week in Charlottesville.

Tip #1 – go local.

Here are a few ways to go green and likely save money.

Buy local food.

Quench Water-Recycling Shower – Guilt-Free Indulgence?

An interesting Earth-Day survey

If you’re looking to buy a home in Charlottesville, consider a “green” home.

How to go Green in the kitchen

Beat the credit squeeze by going green

Get a home energy audit

This is my carbon footprint:


What’s yours?

Baby steps have giant impacts …

To avoid misconceptions that I advocate going green in an attempt to abolish capitalism, know this – going green can save you money in the long term (short term thinking generally causes problems) – If you don’t want to ride your bike to save energy, do it because gas is so flipping expensive!

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  1. Kelly April 22, 2008 at 07:54

    This website was created by 2 women from Charlottesville trying to promote companies that manufacture in their own country.

  2. Ricardo Bueno April 22, 2008 at 09:27

    Is it too off topic if I leave you with a book recommendation? It’s called “The Lazy Environmentalist: your guide to easy, stylish, green living.” I forgot the name of the author but it was a really great, informative and fun read.


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