Anyone in the Charlottesville media want to localize this story?

This story from Bacon’s Rebellion – The Transportation Debate and the Unreported Land Use Revolution, is screaming to be localized and told about how Charlottesville/Albemarle will be affected.

The land use provisions of (HB 3202) seem to be holding up better than the road-funding pieces, even if their impact has yet to be fully felt. The legislation called for the creation of Urban Development Areas that would steer growth in fast-growth counties into districts where jurisdictions were prepared to concentrate their investments in roads and infrastructure — and allowed localities to assess impact fees to help pay for it.

Got that? An alternative financing mechanism to pay for building secondary roads already exists. One of the reasons that General Assembly Republicans are adverse to new taxes is that HB 3202 significantly has already increased the ability of local governments to raise funds through impact fees. The refusal to pile on new taxes before the impact of last year’s legislation is understood does not make the Republicans anti-tax Neanderthals.

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