I don’t know if this is a widespread trend among Business schools, but it’s great that Dean Bruner, Dean of the Darden Business School is blogging . Check it out .
Date Archives May 2008
Why is this concept so hard to understand?
Seeking to control the information is pas sé . Related – What if Zillow is right?
What if the Meadowcreek Parkway didn’t exist?
There have been countless (at least a few thousand ) stories written about the Meadowcreek Parkway over the years. What if the community was able to think of a brand-new transportation solution, not bound by the vestiges of 40-year-old (plus) thinking?
This is a test – it is only a test (of print advertising)
I have long advocated against print advertising – in 2006 , 2007 , and this year (there are more stories here, but this is but a sampling) and my argument has been consistent – there is no method by which to track print advertising’s ROI. … Maybe I’m wrong about this experiment, but there is only one way to learn – and failing is a great way to learn. * The incorrect data displayed in this week’s issue aside, I think this could be a good venue.
Reader Question – What do you think about Fifeville?
“curious if you are familiar with the fifeville neighborhood in charlottesville. and if so what you think about the huge price tags on houses in a neighborhood that is clearly still in the early stages of gentrification” Thank you for the question. … As I have said many times before, (almost) any house or neighborhood that offers “walk-ability” to desirable “stuff” – coffee shops, restaurants, shopping, grocery, parks, gyms – will likely be well poised to take advantage of the local real estate market going forward.
Reader question – five hundred thousand to one million dollar properties?
For the Central Virginia region* – 2006 2007 2008 I have no explanation for the apparent dramatic rise in inventory in the first part of the past two years. … To provide some context, here are all price ranges for the Central Virginia region – The last data point is this – New Construction properties in the Central Virginia region, priced between $500k and $1.2 million** – I hope this helps answer your question.
Condos in Charlottesville
The HooK had a nice story on the state of the local condo market and Calculated Risk points out a story from the Washington Post . If you’re researching the condo market in Charlottesville/Albemarle, start here for some of the backstory .