I’ll be on WINA radio Monday

I’ll be on Charlottesville-Right Now! Monday Tuesday at 4:30* 5 o’clock discussing the contracting real estate market. (no, not the shifting market) Gas prices are affecting the real estate market, often in dramatic ways.

They touched on this last week – how can where you live affect how much you’ll pay in gasoline costs? How will our roads and rails be planned accordingly? and we’ll dive in in a bit more detail on Monday.

If you think gas prices aren’t affecting people’s buying decisions, you’re not paying attention.

real/diaBlog has a great post this morning cogitating on why $10/Gallon gas will be good for the real estate industry.

Related reading:

Don’t Gas, Don’t Go

What Opportunities will gas prices present?

Cutting Back on Miles Traveled Isn’t Enough

* I really wish WINA would stream their radio shows. Podcasting is great, but being able to listen live … that would be great!

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